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少数流媒体利益相关者,来自 娱乐 to 企业我肯定会否认 流媒体安全和反盗版 事, but what are we really protecting when we apply DRM or other methods to curb the inappropriate appropriations of streaming content? 我们是否在保护用户体验? 盈利能力? 专利内容? 由行业专家组成的国际小组 Syna媒体, EZDRM, Vindral, 统一的云, 帮助我流媒体 weigh in on this critical question in this clip from 纽约流媒体 2024.


“保护流是一件事, 流媒体从一开始就受到了广泛的争论, 我们应该增加安全性吗,” Tim Siglin, 帮助我流媒体研究基金会创始人. "Then it became, what are the legal requirements for keeping the content secure?“尤其是在直播内容方面, 他说, ,问题就变成了, 'How do we protect the stream long enough so the content owner gets the benefit of [delivering it] live,“强迫所有人使用他们的平台”,而不是让他们失去专业的海盗."

但有一个更基本的问题, Siglin说, 跨越大量的流媒体场景, is,“我们到底想要保护什么?"

“内容保护有不同的等级,”他说 Vindral | RealSprint首席执行官丹尼尔·阿林德. “当然, 你要尽可能确保这一点, it is very hard to obtain the content and to make it available to people that shouldn't have access to it. But for an increasing number of clients that are reaching out to us to, 这与保护内容无关, 这是关于保护体验,他解释道. "A central part of the experience of what you're streaming is how the content is received."

举个例子, Alinder说, imagine "you have a racing client and people are watching the races through an app or through a web browser, one of the core ideas is this is going to be low latency--everybody sees the same thing at the same time. 当然, 你不希望(意外的)人接触到它, but it's a lot less of a problem because if somebody restreams that and people are experiencing 20 to 40 seconds of latency when they're watching the restream, 那是更糟糕的经历. There's a reason to actually watch the stream where it's supposed to be watched and pay for the stream. So I'd say, are you protecting the content or you protecting the experience?"

“对很多人来说,这是内在联系的,”他评论道 罗宾·奥克利,高级总监, 边缘CDN解决方案在Syna媒体. “对很多品牌来说, 它依赖于内容本身——高价值, high-brand-awareness content like the EPL or the NFL that have had a lot of mentions of the show and the experience around it, 因为他们把它交给了他们信任的平台. They're giving it to platforms that can enrich it with other experiences, which might be a reason to go to that platform and go that experience, 而盗版正侵蚀着这一切. 它没有完全相同的功能. 它可能没有相同的质量. 但最终, 在最高层次上, 我们真正想要保护的是钱, 由此产生的收入, 无论是你的订户收入, or the advertising revenue that comes hand in hand with high-value content. 还有品牌本身,因为这就是它的意义所在. So if you're protecting that, you're all in the business of succeeding, I think."


But it's not always about protecting privately owned public-facing streams. Behind the firewall in 企业流 operations focused on internal communications, 还有其他需要考虑的品牌保护问题. 

"We're talking about streams, which is a very broad concept,” EZDRM 首席运营官 & 联合创始人 奥尔加Kornienko. "It could be the latest show, the latest sports, or corporate internal streaming. It could be the latest town hall, the latest earnings call, or anything else. That is super-proprietary 信息 and getting that leaked or faked in some way that could kill major companies. So we're also protecting reputation image, just like Robin said, branding, everything else."

西格林还提到了生成 人工智能语音克隆 as a particularly pernicious source of IP theft that can be deployed in streaming, "where you can take someone's voice and make them say something. So then it's the question of not just protecting the stream itself as it happens, but ultimately making sure that portions of that stream aren't repackaged together to actually make someone say something that they had not intended to or had not actually said."

"Maybe I can add two more components,” 统一的云 Product Manager Boban Kasalovic. “内容保护显然是最重要的事情, but we should speak a little bit about a network protection or infrastructure protection because it's really critical. And also application or player protection with some kind of obfuscation, et cetera. 所有这些组成部分都非常重要. If we want to keep the content safe, it's not just encryption the content. 我们需要保护这三样东西."



Join us in August 2024 for more thought leadership, actionable insights, lively debate at 流媒体连接.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

SMNYC 2024: 统一的云's Boban Kasalovic Talks End-to-End Streaming and Content Security

流媒体's Tim Siglin interviews 统一的云's Boban Kasalovic at 纽约流媒体. Kasalovic discusses 统一的云's development of an end-to-end streaming solution and an anti-piracy platform called Gladiator. The platform uses machine learning and AI to analyze data and identify critical behavior that could lead to piracy. The company has also implemented Widevine CAS for its hybrid solution.

SMNYC 2024: Syna媒体's 罗宾·奥克利 Talks Stream Security and the Consumer Experience

流媒体's Tim Siglin interviews Syna媒体's 罗宾·奥克利 at 纽约流媒体 2024. He emphasizes the importance of a proactive approach to security and highlights the company's work with the common access token format, a CTA Wave initiative that aims to create a common CDN token syntax that can be used across multiple CDNs. He also touches on the challenges of protecting content while maintaining a quality experience for the consumer and the increasing sophistication of piracy.


Tim Siglin of 帮助我流研究基金会 sits down with Daniel Alinder of Vindral to discuss latency, 同步, 8K, 和Vindral在流媒体东部2023的采访中.


奥尔加Kornienko, 屡获殊荣的内容保护公司EZDRM的联合创始人, discusses the current state of DRM technology with 流媒体's Tim Siglin in this interview from 流媒体 West 2022.
